Values Research & Industry

Working together

A recent Maitland study  reports that clear values are important to business identity and success. When people share similar values work well together, whereas  different values priorities can create tensions between and within teams. This is also true for software industry,  where values tensions can have an impact on the well-being of a team, customer relations and ultimately the quality of the software delivered.

We are a small agile team  which specializes in the study of human values in software production. If you are interested in finding out more and in working together on a research study, or ‘sprint’, do get in touch with or Further information below.

research activities, tools and techniques

Time is important to us as it is to you,  our suggestion is to organize a short taster session before deciding how to proceed. Each research study can then be tailored to specific needs.  Activities can include:

  • Taster & ThinkUp sessions
  • Q-Sort sessions (teams and/or  individual)
  • On-line surveys
  • In situ observations
  • In depth Interviews
  • Team workshops
  • Facilitated focus groups
What to expect from us
  • Professional and experienced research and facilitation
  • A report or presentation of the key results
  • Research tailored to your needs

Taking part into a ViC research study is free. At the end of each study we provide a summary values profile report.